





  • 公共區域定期進行換氣和消毒;
  • 設置消毒液;
  • 客房清掃時對傢俱和用品進行消毒;
  • 對楓酒廊實行嚴格的衛生管理;
  • 櫃台設置防止飛沫的隔板;
  • 櫃台支付費用時一律採取非現金支付方式。



  • 上班前進行體溫檢測、漱口、洗手和手指消毒;
  • 全時段所有從業員佩戴口罩;
  • 保持社交距離。



  • 進酒店時請進行體溫監測和手指消毒;
  • 有發熱症狀的客人謝絕入內。
  • 如果您感到不適,請及時聯繫工作人員。







  • 公共区域定期换气和消毒;
  • 设置消毒液;
  • 客房清扫时,对家具和用品进行消毒;
  • 对枫酒廊实行严格的卫生管理;
  • 前台设置防止飞沫的隔板;
  • 前台支付费用时一律采取非现金支付方式。



  • 上班前测量体温、漱口、清洁洗手和手消毒;
  • 全时段所有工作人员均须佩戴口罩;
  • 保持社交距离。



  • 进酒店时,请测量体温和进行手消毒;
  • 有发热症状的客人谢绝入内。
  • 如果您感到不适,请及时联系工作人员。

Crafting a New Boutique Hotel in Tokyo's Historic District

How did Asakusa, a district that uniquely fuses the historic and traditional atmosphere with modernity, influence the design of the hotel? What concepts were at the heart of the project?

To find out, please watch the discussion between Nobuykui Fujimoto, the hotel's architect, and Kyoko Yokoyama, head of project management at Housing Japan, who provided design supervision for the project.





Grand Opening and Blessing Ceremony

We are incredibly excited to be opening our boutique hotel today. A stone’s throw away from Sensoji, (the most famous temple in Tokyo), you are invited to embark on a cultural journey by staying with us in the heart of Asakusa. Enjoy our luxurious themed suites, all exhibiting unique aspects of traditional Japanese art and furnishings with a modern twist.

At our grand opening, we are delighted to share that a ritual named Shoubaihanjokigan (商売繁盛祈願) was performed by a Shinto priest. This traditional ceremony, although more a societal custom than religious, is said to bring prosperity to all involved in a new business.

We are looking forward to welcoming guests and helping them experience the arts and crafts of this unique neighbourhood of Tokyo.








Measures to prevent COVID-19 infections

Measures to prevent COVID-19 infections

November 1, 2021


Asakusa Kaede has implemented the following measures against COVID-19 infections in accordance with the guidelines set by the national government and Taito Ward in Tokyo.

We would also like to ask our guests for their understanding and cooperation with the following measures so that they can enjoy staying at our hotel with peace of mind.


Measures taken within the hotel

  • Regular ventilation and disinfection of public areas
  • Provision of hand sanitiser dispensers
  • Disinfection of furniture and equipment during room cleaning
  • Ensuring hygiene in the Kaede Lounge
  • Installation of a splash protection partition at the front desk
  • Cashless payment system at the front desk


Initiatives for employees

  • Employees are encouraged to take their temperature before work and to gargle, wash their hands and disinfect their hands
  • Wearing of masks by all employees, including when leaving for work
  • Ensuring social distance


Requests to our guests

  • Please take your temperature and disinfect your hands when you arrive
  • If you have a fever, please refrain from visiting
  • If you feel any change in your health, please contact our staff




下記対策へのご理解 ご協力をお願い申し上げます。



  • 公共スペースの定期的な換気と消毒
  • 消毒液の設置
  • 客室清掃時における家具/備品の消毒
  • 楓ラウンジでの衛生管理の徹底
  • フロントデスクに飛沫防止パテーションの設置
  • フロントデスクでのお会計時は、キャッシュレス決済にて



  • 出勤前に検温を実施し、うがい/手洗い/手指消毒を励行
  • 出退勤時を含めた全従業員のマスク着用
  • ソーシャルディスタンスの確保



  • ご来館時の検温および手指消毒をお願いいたします。
  • 発熱のあるお客様におかれましては、来館をご遠慮頂きますよう、お願い申し上げます。
  • 体調の異変を感じられた際は、スタッフまでお声がけください。


Accepting Bookings from January 1st, 2022

We are accepting bookings from January 1st, 2022. Looking forward to welcoming you to Asakusa!

Farmer's Market

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit.